Recents in Beach

The 'frightened dog' and the 'rocket man': Trump-Kim war of words causes rising tensions

As luck would have it, the day U.S. President Donald Trump took the stage at the United Nations to threaten North Korea, North Korean diplomats were given seats right in front of him. Front row, almost centre, based on a UN lottery that assigns spots. This was the closest the two countries have come to face-to-face talks since Trump became president last November. But it didn't last. The General Assembly delegation in New York City walked out before he got to the climax, before he promised to "destroy North Korea" if the "rocket man" — as Trump calls North Korean leader Kim Jong-un — doesn't back down from his threats to hit the U.S mainland with a nuclear missile. Kim's weapons development program seems to be getting close to producing a rocket that could do that, as Pyongyang has demonstrated with more than a dozen missile tests this year and an underground nuclear explosion. U.S. intelligence estimates North Korea will have the capability to attack the United States within a year.